
5 Keystone Principles You Need to Know To Learn English Vowels

Today we are going to talk about The 5 Keystone Principles You Need to Effectively Kickstart Your English Vowel Pronunciation.


Vowel sounds have intrigued me for most of my life because they are my stepping stones as an opera singer and also my main source of income as a speech pathologist with expertise in pronunciation training.

We walk with our feet.

We read with our eyes.

And we speak and sing on our vowels.

As newborns we go through this amazing phase where we make little cooing vowel sounds.

These are one of the first noises you made as a baby, other than screaming for milk or a poopy nappy. Your vowel sounds started to get lined up while you were cooing. And yes, babes coo in their mother tongue vowels.

So vowels are calibrating pretty quickly in the first 3-5 years of life.

This begs the question, how does it work coming at new vowels as an adult?

Well the process is totally different to learning vowels as a beba.

And this is exactly what this video tutorial is going to walk you through.

I felt it was time to offload my experience with training English vowels to thousands of clients from numerous language backgrounds so that you save yourself time if you are thinking about how to actually learn the English vowels effectively.


Now, over to your tutorial ▶

In this tutorial you will learn some simple, but powerful principles like how phonetics are like the GPS system for learning vowels a presto.

So dive right into it and when you are done, let me know what you think as always.

Here’s what you will learn:

1:30 ⎼ Why Phonetics is Your Personal Toolkit to Unlocking the Secrets behind English Vowels

3:16 ⎼ How Knowing Your Speech Machine (mouth, lips, tongue, jaw and voice) Helps You Pronounce Vowels

5:06 ⎼ Why Learning Mouth Positions is Important to Producing Vowels Accurately

6:30 ⎼ Why Trying to “copy” English Vowel Sounds is a Total wAste of Time And What You Need to Do Instead that Actually Works

8:00 ⎼ How to Stay Away from the Dreaded Hamburger Trap when You Are Learning your English Vowels

And this is what I’m talking about…

PTE Pronunciation

And if you have questions, don’t be shy.

I’m here for you and your English speaking.

In fact it would be a shame if you didn’t at least ask one question.

Asking a question cements learning and solves problems so have a field day! Your English vowels that are waiting to be fixed will thank you for it!

Got a friend or colleague who could really do with this tutorial to help their English speaking and pronunciation practice? If you share your smile (I always do!) you should definitely share these vowel tips. Because let’s never forget, we are in the communication game together.


Ciao for now,

XO Sarah

P.S. I encourage you to add something in the comments below. I’ve opened comments, because I think our little space on the internet is starting to feel more like a community, so it would delight me to see you engage in the conversation continuing below.

How to Learn English Vowels Effectively

Put a Face to Voice Science

Both video & transcript will be published at 8pm AEST on the 19th of April, so if you get to this page earlier than then, don’t forget to turn on the YouTube Premiere reminder button.

If you have questions, don’t be shy to ask.

I’m here for you and your English speaking.

In fact it would be a shame if you didn’t at least ask one question.

Asking a question cements learning and solves problems so have a field day! Your English vowels that are waiting to be fixed will thank you for it!

Got a friend or colleague who could really do with this tutorial to help their English speaking and pronunciation practice? If you share your smile (I always do!) you should definitely share these vowel tips. Because let’s never forget, we are in the communication game together.


Ciao for now,

XO Sarah

P.S. I encourage you to add something in the comments below. I’ve opened comments, because I think our little space on the internet is starting to feel more like a community, so it would delight me to see you engage in the conversation continuing below.

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