
How to Tell Better Stories at Work

Episode 10
Enrol in the High-Performance Communication Audit

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No One Likes a Boring Story!

You’ve been living under a rock if you don’t know that the corporate world is just a tad obsessed with the impact of storytelling. 


This trend has seen droves of clients at Voice Science desperate to stop boring their peers and inspire through the art of storytelling.


Why is it so hard to tell stories at work?


Well, because it’s easy to assume that it can’t be that hard.


But it is.


Otherwise, everyone would have a shiny Pulitzer Prize on their bookshelf.


The Little Shot is here to build your communication in lots of little shots until you become a Big Shot communicator (in the nicest possible way), so I hope you find this episode affirming.


Scroll to watch the 3-min tutorial


Episode 10

This little shot is scheduled for 10 am on Tuesday the 7th of June. If you arrive here earlier, don’t forget to turn on notifications via the YouTube premiere button so you can be first to know once the mini-tutorial pushes live.

tell better stories at work


Are you scared you don’t tell decent stories?


It sounds like you may need to do something to optimise your storytelling abilities.


If you’re stuck, get help!

Don’t do it alone.

Placing high expectations on your communication without the tools to correct it is not realistic.

If I want to learn how to surf (which I do) I’ll hire a surfing instructor. If you want to learn to tell better stories, enrol in a course, buy a book on the topic for a basic start or send me an email!


Got a friend who tells the most boring stories you’ve ever heard? 

Why not drop a kind, indirect and share today’s Little Shot?

If you want to be more agile with your communication, make sure you check out: The High-Performance Communication Audit , and enrol today maybe.


Remember, your voice, message & stories matter immensely so speak with joy & freedom.

Ciao for now!




Tannen, D, Morgan, N. & Cialdini, R. Communication Book (2020). Harvard Business Review.


Beigi, Mina & Callahan, Jamie & Michaelson, Christopher. (2019). A Critical Plot Twist: Changing Characters and Foreshadowing the Future of Organizational Storytelling. International Journal of Management Reviews. https://doi.org/10.1111/ijmr.12203

what is the little shot?

What Is The Little Shot?

The Little Shot pops live every Tuesday at 10am AEST in the form of mini shots for your communication that hit hard like a good espresso ☕️!

What do you Get?

Weekly actionable tidbits to give your communication competitive advantage. The Little Shots are so powerful they could even substitute for your morning coffee shot. And remember, lots of Little Shots, make A Big Shot! If you want to be a big shot communicator, these episodes will assist you in getting there.

Get Your Question featured on a future Little Shot Episode.

If you have a question about communication, submit it via email direct to Sarah (hello@thevoicescience.com) and she will give you a tailored answer in a future episode.