
How Self Deprecation Sabotages You

Episode 9

are you poking fun at yourself?

Today we are going to talk about why you should think twice about poking fun at yourself, especially in the workplace. 


Poking fun at yourself, or self-deprecation is a behaviour that harms your ability to make a good impression, especially if you are making jokes about your intelligence, skills or even appearance. 

If you want to get better at impression management, AKA your ability to make people like, admire and value you, it’s time to remove self put-downs.
Today’s Little Shot will tell you why.

The Little Shot is here to build your communication in lots of little shots until you become a Big Shot communicator (in the nicest possible way), so I hope you find this episode affirming.


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How Self Deprecation Sabotages You

Episode 8

This little shot is scheduled for 10am on Tuesday the 23rd of June. If you arrive here earlier, don’t forget to turn on notifications via the YouTube premiere button so you can be first to know once the mini-tutorial pushes live.

Have you got a girlfriend, team member or best friend who needs to stop self-deprecating? 

Why not share today’s Little Shot.

Remember, how you talk about yourself directly impacts your ability to form strong impression.

Ciao for now!


Now for our weekly question. 


Bitterly, B. & Woods, A. (2020, July- August) Sarcasm, Self-Deprecation, and Inside Jokes: A User’s Guide to Humor at Work. Harvard Business Review, https://hbr.org/2020/07/sarcasm-self-deprecation-and-inside-jokes-a-users-guide-to-humor-at-work 


Dunn, J., Ruedy, N., & Schweitzer (2012) It hurts both ways: How social comparisons harm affective and cognitive trust. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 117(1), 2 – 14. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.obhdp.2011.08.001


Owens, T.J. (1993) Accentuate the positive-and the negative: Rethinking the use of self-esteem, self-deprecation, and self-confidence. Social Psychology Quarterly, 288-299.


Michael O’Donnell, Minah Jung, and Clayton Critcher (2016) ,”The Potential Benefits and Pitfalls of Poking Fun At Yourself: Self-Deprecating Humor As Impression Management”, in NA – Advances in Consumer Research Volume 44, eds. Page Moreau and Stefano Puntoni, Duluth, MN : Association for Consumer Research, Pages: 201-206. https://www.acrwebsite.org/volumes/1022568/volumes/v44/NA-44


Ziv, A. (1984) Personality and sense of humor, Springer Pub Co.

what is the little shot?

What Is The Little Shot?

The Little Shot pops live every Tuesday at 10am AEST in the form of mini shots for your communication that hit hard like a good espresso ☕️!

What do you Get?

Weekly actionable tidbits to give your communication competitive advantage. The Little Shots are so powerful they could even substitute for your morning coffee shot. And remember, lots of Little Shots, make A Big Shot! If you want to be a big shot communicator, these episodes will assist you in getting there.

Get Your Question featured on a future Little Shot Episode.

If you have a question about communication, submit it via email direct to Sarah (hit reply to this email) and she will give you a tailored answer in a future episode.