
Rapport on the Phone: 3 Ways to Connect More

Episode 11
Enrol in the High-Performance Communication Audit

I've got your number, but have I got your attention?

Building rapport on the phone is something we all can do better.


You either love it, or hate it.

The phone I mean.


If you love it, I’m sure there’s things you can add to your already powerful arsenal on calls. How about reducing those interjections? There’s some tips in the video below for you around this.


Maybe you’re a serial phone hijacker and you’re driving your conversation partners crazy…

If that’s the case, stay tuned for my 2 secret strategies for turn-taking on the phone.


Perhaps you’re biting your nails down about how to build rapport on the phone.

It’s ok, I’ve got you covered.

First, don’t feel incompetent if you find the phone tough.

And second…

can we just take a moment to normalise discomfort on the phone?

Each week I meet at least one person who tells me they avoid making phone calls because they feel so uncomfortable.

So you’re not the only one!


While it’s not unusual to hate getting on the phone, you’re going to have to.

Your ability to create a connection with your conversation partner on the phone can seal the deal for a job, future relationship or even be the key thing that builds your small business.


Today, I’ve got you in mind, if your the avoiding type when it comes to the phone.

I think you’ll find this Little Shot a good source of expressive fuel to add to your life so you can build rapport on the phone confidently.

You’ll learn three easy strategies to focus on that will improve your conversations on the phone, so what are you waiting for?

Watch this 5 – minute tutorial, it might actually change your ph0ne life!


The Little Shot is here to build your communication in lots of little shots until you become a Big Shot communicator (in the nicest possible way). Ready for some expressive fuel?


Scroll to watch the 5-min tutorial

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3 ways to connect with rapport on the phone

Episode 11

This little shot is scheduled for 10 am on Tuesday the 21st of June. If you arrive here earlier, don’t forget to turn on notifications via the YouTube premiere button so you can be first to know once the mini-tutorial pushes live.

rapport on the phone


Are you fearful or awkward on the phone?

It sounds like you may need to do something to optimise your social interaction for the telephone.

Many jobs will need you to actively maintain relationship building with your clients and stakeholder through phone calls so make sure you feel secure about your rapport on the phone.

Stressing out about succeeding in job interviews on the phone?

Our team can help, if you need even more strategies after watching this video. We will partner with you to implement the perfect strategies to amp up your calls so that you can get on the phone without apology or fear.

Got a friend who you know struggles on the phone?

Why not drop a kind, indirect hint & share today’s Little Shot? I’m sure they’ll love you for it!

If you want to be more agile with your communication, make sure you check out: The High-Performance Communication Audit , and enrol today maybe.

Make the call, get on the phone and have fun!

Ciao for now!



Akamoglu, Y., Meadan, H., Pearson, J.N. et al. Getting Connected: Speech and Language Pathologists’ Perceptions of Building Rapport via Telepractice. J Dev Phys Disabil 30, 569–585 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10882-018-9603-3


Euchner, Jim. (2016). The Medium is the Message. Research-Technology Management. 59. 9-11. 10.1080/08956308.2016.1209068.


Hultgren, Anna. (2011). ‘Building rapport’ with customers across the world: The global diffusion of a call centre speech style1. Journal of Sociolinguistics. 15. 36 – 64. 10.1111/j.1467-9841.2010.00466.x.

What Is The Little Shot?

The Little Shot pops live every Tuesday at 10am AEST in the form of mini shots for your communication that hit hard like a good espresso ☕️!

What do you Get?

Weekly actionable tidbits to give your communication competitive advantage. The Little Shots are so powerful they could even substitute for your morning coffee shot. And remember, lots of Little Shots, make A Big Shot! If you want to be a big shot communicator, these episodes will assist you in getting there.

Get Your Question featured on a future Little Shot Episode.

If you have a question about communication, submit it via email direct to Sarah (hello@thevoicescience.com) and she will give you a tailored answer in a future episode.