
Transcript: How to Practise Your English Speaking Alone

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Welcome to Voice Science- it’s splendid you’re here.

This tutorial is called: “You can still practise your pronunciation in your pajamas” and here’s what you’re going about to learn.

Lately we are getting less opportunities to get outside the house and communicate. So if your goal this year is to improve your English pronunciation, how can you still push the goal forward even if you are stuck under lockdown at home?

The First thing we are going to talk about is why lockdown is the perfect chance to practice your English speaking as well as 1 important mindset shift you need to practice your English better when you are by yourself

And then, I’m going to teach you one of my simple but high-voltage drill method that will get you practicing your pronunciation like a pro!

1 Important Mindset Shift To Get You Practising Your English Speaking Alone

Lockdown can be a time for massive pronunciation growth if you let it

It’s all about your mindset. So let’s scoot into first actionable strategy to give your pronunciation practice at home a real life so that it actually happens.

I want to open open with a quote, one of my favourites. 


But let me flip that like an egg sunny side up. 

For your pronunciation practice you’ve got to put it around the OTHER way.

But let me flip that like an egg sunny side up. 

For your pronunciation practice you’ve got to put it around the OTHER way.

Because you’ve got to quit doing all the dumb ass excuses you have going on about your pronunciation.

You’ve got to quit complaining about how your English isn’t good enough.

You’’ve got to quit worrying about speaking aloud to yourself. 

You’ve got to talk to yourself to get your goals out and I don’t care if you feel like a lunatico- if you want it bad enough you should be monologuing solo for a good hour a day. 

No excuses. 

So quit doing all the other things. 

The netflixing, junky snacking, cat cuddling or scruffy puppy insta watching and start talking. 


There is no moment like now, that is better for your practice.


See, for 6 years plus in my clinic, i’ve heard all the excuses about how you guys are liike…

AW Sarah work is really busy. I get home late. It’s really hard to fit it in. I’ll do it next month. 

But guys, you’re at home now. You have more time. You lost the commute, you’ve added a whole 2 hours to your day so now is the the time!


Here’s the thing that you have to do.

Accept that progress with your speaking will always come from some degree of discomfort.

And right now, it’s speaking to yourself. Out loud. Maybe even with a mirror and dictionary on hand as well as being logged into Cadenza, your practice platform. Schedule it in. Make it happen.


Are you with me?

Alright now let’s get to the meat of the tutorial.

Get Your High Voltage Speaking Drill Framework from Cadenza™

Our Powerful Tool to Help You Practice Your English Speaking Alone
Near the bottom of this page you will find my high-voltage drill framework freebie by Cadenza.co. Cadenza™ is the personalised practice product that all of our clients get exclusive access to and today I’m giving you a sneak peak mini resource that I’ve downloaded for you from there because we are here and all about getting your speaking game on point amigos!

Pause the video and grab it now while I have a little dance off because I’m so freaking excited that you’ve decided to lift your speaking game at home and finally practice your English pronunciation.

You can get your word from your Cadenza Resources if you are a regular client of ours or if you are not a client, take words from your emails, work resources, foods you like to order, describing words from activities you love to do. Obviously when you are drilling your words or sounds you need to know how to correctly pronounce the target sound you are practicing. 

If you need help with that- you know where to find us. This what our team specialises in.

Ok let’s get onto it! So Let’s get into screenshare and run this drill format together.

Choose your error sound – the sound you know you struggle with.

Now you are going to select 5 words that you know you need and use as well as the word position.

By the end of this drill you are going to have done 100 repetitions of your target sound. Do that 7x a week and you are at 700! Do it for a year and you will come out at 36,500 repetitions of your sound that needed work and then call me, because that something we are going to need to celebrate.

You Should Now Be Ready to Practise Your English Speaking Alone

Well that was fun wasn’t it! I had fun working on my English pronunciation even though this is my first language guys. And the proof is in the pudding. After this tutorial I hope you can now see that you CAN practice your pronunciation in your PJS and alone and you should!


As we conclude this tutorial I want to remind you, when you work on your pronunciation you must start talking. Less doing the other things and a whole lot more talking. Especially if you are stuck at home without much chance to interact in English. Or if you don’t live in a country where much English is spoken. Don’t let that hold you back kiddo!


Your Pronunciation will sparkle in public from the hard work you have done while bunkered down in doors. Let’s get something positive out of all situations we are thrown into. You can learn anywhere. And you can improve anywhere. The only thing stopping you from that, is you.


I hope that this tutorial gets you on task. If you found it valuable please don’t forget to give it a like & subscribe to our channel. You can also get extra tips for your communication over on our FB youtube channel and instagram. 


Got a friend who could really do with this framework to help their English speaking and pronunciation practice? If you share your chocolate (I always do!) you should definitely share these pronunciation tips. Because we are in the communication game together. Because I am here trying to advocate for the importance of communication confidence and comfort and as I always say, “communication is like string theory, it’s the foundation of everything” so go get them. Thank you so much for watching and I’ll see you next time!
